About Me

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Danville, CA, United States
Welcome to the Scribblers blog! This is our opportunity to share our club, writings, and thoughts with all of you. Scribblers was created to give us a venue to share a good book and develop our writing skills through practice and peer review. If you are interested in joining us in person or online, please email us! And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

August 31, 2010

Adventures in reading

          Within the confines of these hard covers lies a vast land of imagination, Plot River winds through deepening the Character Canyons, pouring over Hyperbole Hills and down into Understatement Valley. Simile Sun spreads light over and Metaphor Moon beams above the Ironic Forest. The author has blazed trails all through this land, providing the reader with an unforgettable journey: hiking down the canyon to ride the rapids and swim in the crystalline pools of Imagery. Welcome to the land of fiction and non-fiction; hardcover or soft, large print or small, this is where imagination runs rampant and grows freely.
           This is where our group longs to visit, often. Scribblers’ members relish in the exploration of these lands and the creativity that they spark within us. Then we turn the page and become the trail blazer, the author; exploring our own lands of the written word and style. The Bell Jar author Sylvia Plath said, “The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” Self-doubt is the night vine that creeps in the forest, intertwining, twisting, and threatening to strangle creativity; unchecked, its flowers of intimidation and insecurity blossom in the shadows. The challenge before us is ourselves. That rough, rugged, and wild land lies before us and only our own hesitancy can stop us from trudging, running, skipping through. The world around us shifts and moves, grows and contracts, and is in a constant state of change. Whether we progress with it, doubt only knows.
           A year ago, I packed up my car and left on a grand 15 day, 5000 mile adventure across 7 states, alone. The goal: discovery of a place beyond the comfort zone of family and friends. The prize: that each day is worthy of rejoicing, that the benign necessary duties are not the meaning of life, and that at the ripe old age of 31, life was not over. A year later, a new adventure awaits: to reveal myself in deeper ways to friends, family, and fellow Scribblers! I sincerely hope that you too feel the need for exploration, for a grand voyage into this land of literary and self-discovery. At first glance, the journey before us is daunting and insurmountable, but it isn’t. Take courage, for “courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.” (Meg Cabot).
         To say that I am excited about this new group of friends is to be stating it mildly. I truly love writing; allowing the Spirit to flow from mind, to pen, to paper is a passion, a joy bringer, a supplier of satisfaction. I could ramble on and on, but simply put, I hope that you will find inspiration in these words and join us, share with us, and gain new friends with us. Whether you are able to attend the weekly meetings or would like to follow online, your contribution is always welcome!

Simply put:

The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium. ~ Norbet Platt